HTML Encoder Decoder

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HTML Encoder and Decoder Online

HTML is the language of the web, and for good reason. It’s easy to read, understand, and write. As such, it plays an important role in both the design and production of websites. If you ever need to encode or decode HTML online, be sure to check out the online HTML encoder and decoder. This handy tool makes encoding and decoding a breeze, so you can get your website up and running in no time.

An HTML encoder is a tool that converts HTML characters into their corresponding ASCII character equivalents. This is necessary because ASCII characters are the only ones that can be reliably displayed in web browsers. 

A decoder, on the other hand, is a tool that converts ASCII characters back into their original HTML counterparts. This is useful when you want to view the source code of a webpage or email message. Both encoders and decoders are available online at SEO Serene, and they are free to use.

What is HTML Encoding and Decoding?

HTML encoding and decoding are used to convert between the raw text of an HTML document and a format that can be displayed by a web browser. HTML is composed of tags that denote the structure of a document, along with tags that indicate specific content.

Encoding converts all of the tags from their literal form into a format readable by browsers. This process is also known as character encoding or mark-up translation. The most common encoding schemes are UTF-8 and ASCII.

Decoding reverses the encoding process, restoring the original tags to their literal form. This process is also known as textual interpretation or document markup translation.

How to Use an HTML Encoder and Decoder

There are few steps to use HTML Encoder Decoder tool such as:

  • Enter the HTML code whom you want to encode or decode in the given field.
  • Click on the "HTML Encoder Decoder" button.
  • The tool will display the results on screen immediately.

Note: When encoding or decoding HTML, it is important to keep in mind the following guidelines: 

  1. Use an appropriate encoding scheme – For example, use the utf-8 encoding scheme when converting from HTML to another format such as JSON or XML. 
  2. Use proper tags – Make sure all the tags are included in the output file without any errors. 
  3. Avoid using deprecated tags – Certain tags may be deprecated by web browsers but still remain supported by some encoders or decoders. For example, the img tag is no longer supported by most browsers but is still supported by some encoders. If you encounter problems while encoding or decoding a document due to outdated tags, you can use a tag filter tool to help identify outdated tags.

Reasons to Use HTML Encoder and Decoder?

There are many reasons to use HTML encoding and decoding tools. Here are five of the most common reasons:

  1. To convert text files from one format to another.
  2. To create or view web pages in a different language.
  3. To protect information from being viewed by unintended viewers.
  4. To ensure legibility when displaying text on electronic documents or screens.
  5. To conform to regulatory requirements governing e-mail, web content, and other electronic media.

Benefits of HTML Encoding and Decoding

HTML is a markup language that enables you to format and display your web pages in a standardized way. This makes it easy for search engines to index your pages and make them available to users on devices with different screen sizes, browsers, and operating systems.

When you encode your HTML code using an HTML encoder, you create a compressed binary file. Using an HTML decoder, you can decompress this file and view the source code of your webpage.

There are several benefits to encoding and decoding your HTML code:

  1. You can compress your code for faster loading times onscreen or over the internet. 
  2. You can use different encoding options to ensure that your code is readable by all browsers, regardless of their compatibility settings. 
  3. You can protect your code against unauthorized modifications.


HTML is the code that makes websites look like they do on your computer screen. Without it, your website would just be a bunch of text. HTML encoders and decoders help you turn your text into HTML, so that you can create a website or blog from scratch. If you're ever feeling lost or don't know how to start coding, knowing how to use an HTML encoder and Decoder Online can help take the mystery out of it for you.

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